
All big mistakes mentionned by the various interviewees in this video are related to neglecting the fact that the performance of the organization is bound to the trust actors have in the project. Any deviant behavior is a mistake.

  • Putting their self-interests ahead of the interests of the organization. (Bill George, Harvard Business School).
  • Betray trust. (Evan Wittenberg, Google).
  • Being certain. (Dr. Ellen Langer, Harvard University).
  • Not living up to their own values. (Andrew Pettigrew, Oxford.)
  • Lose capacity for self-doubt. (Gianpiero Petriglieri, Insead).
  • Arrogance and hubris. (Carl Sloane, HBS)
  • Act too quickly. (Jonathan Doochin, Harvard College)
  • Inconsistency and arrogance. (Scott Snook, HBS)
  • Failure to be self-reflective. (Daisy Wademan Dowling, Morgan Stanley).


We map trust, hence we see what and where is the problem, and how to improve.